Youth Art Team artists assembled online into Power Groups on March 31, 2020. Each small group chose its own direction and worked at its own pace for five weeks. The artists shared their progress and encouraged each other – in art and in life – as they went.
We now have the pleasure of welcoming you to the Power Groups Gallery! The gallery was the idea of the artists. They wanted to continue sharing their artwork with people even though we’re all apart right now.
No flash photography please, but feel free to touch the art!
Click to view the 9 A.M. WALL:

Click to view the 10 A.M. WALL:

Click to view the 1 P.M. WALL:

Click to view the 2 P.M. WALL:

Thank you for visiting!
And stay tuned… the second session of Power Groups is already underway.
Artists in the first Power Groups session helped us design the second session. And the groups are growing!
Youth Art Team artists have decided to use their own young minds to:
- create activities for our website that anyone can do from anywhere,
- design their own games,
- learn how to make stop motion videos,
- and create portraits from family photos for people in long-term care facilities who are missing their loved ones.